La isla misteriosa (Julio Verne), audiolibro y texto para descargar

Hoy os dejamos la descarga gratuita (y legal, of course) de uno de los maravillosos libros de Julio Verne: La isla misteriosa.

Aquí tenéis el enlace para descargar el formato pdf el libro completo, y otro enlace para escuchar el mismo texto locutado por uno de los mejores locutores en habla inglesa: Mark F. Smith.

Escuchar el audiolibro puede tener grandes ventajas. En primer lugar permite que aquellas personas que tienen dificultades con la lectura puedan disfrutar de la literatura. Por otro lado, si eres de los que tiene poco tiempo al día,  el audiolibro te permite compaginar esta actividad con otras actividades que podrás realizar de forma simultánea.

En lo que se refiere al aprendizaje, escuchar el audiolibro puede ayudarte a mejorar la pronunciación y sobretodo la comprensión.

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Escuchar el audiolibro por capítulos:









Play01 1-01 The Storm of 1865. Voices in the Air. Mark F. Smith 00:15:45
Play02 1-02 An Incident in the War of Secession Mark F. Smith 00:21:58
Play03 1-03 Five O'Clock in the Evening Mark F. Smith 00:17:37
Play04 1-04 Lithodomes. The River's Mouth. The Chimneys. Mark F. Smith 00:20:21
Play05 1-05 Arranging the Chimneys. How to Procure Fire. Mark F. Smith 00:18:06
Play06 1-06 The Inventory of the Castaways. Expedition to the Forest. Mark F. Smith 00:19:01
Play07 1-07 Neb Has Not Yet Returned. A Threatening Night. Mark F. Smith 00:19:39
Play08 1-08 Is Cyrus Harding Living? Neb's Recital. Mark F. Smith 00:19:24
Play09 1-09 Cyrus is Here. Pencroft's Attempts. Mark F. Smith 00:21:47
Play10 1-10 The Engineer's Invention. Volcanic Soil. Mark F. Smith 00:21:16
Play11 1-11 At the Summit of the Cone Mark F. Smith 00:24:01
Play12 1-12 Regulating the Watches. Pencroft is Satisfied. Mark F. Smith 00:21:27
Play13 1-13 What is Found Upon Top Mark F. Smith 00:24:21
Play14 1-14 Measuring the Cliff. Latitude of the Island. Mark F. Smith 00:20:42
Play15 1-15 It Is Decided to Winter on the Island Mark F. Smith 00:18:46
Play16 1-16 The Question of a Dwelling is Again Discussed. Mark F. Smith 00:18:58
Play17 1-17 Visit to the Lake. The Indicating Current. Mark F. Smith 00:21:55
Play18 1-18 Pencroft Now Doubts Nothing Mark F. Smith 00:18:54
Play19 1-19 Cyrus Harding's Project. The Rope Ladder. Mark F. Smith 00:19:58
Play20 1-20 The Rainy Season. The Question of Clothes. Mark F. Smith 00:17:43
Play21 1-21 Some Degrees Below Zero. Mark F. Smith 00:20:43
Play22 1-22 Traps. Foxes. Peccaries. Mark F. Smith 00:26:54
Play23 2-01 Conversation on the Subject of the Bullet Mark F. Smith 00:20:05
Play24 2-02 First Trial of the Canoe. A Wreck on the Coast. Mark F. Smith 00:20:17
Play25 2-03 The Start. The Rising Tide. Mark F. Smith 00:21:55
Play26 2-04 Journey to the Coast. Troops of Monkeys. Mark F. Smith 00:18:23
Play27 2-05 Proposal to Return By the Southern Shore Mark F. Smith 00:21:52
Play28 2-06 Pencroft's Halloos. A Night in the Chimneys. Mark F. Smith 00:20:12
Play29 2-07 Plans. A Bridge Over the Mercy. Mark F. Smith 00:20:59
Play30 2-08 Linen. Shoes of Seal-Leather. Mark F. Smith 00:20:56
Play31 2-09 Bad Weather. The Hydraulic Lift. Mark F. Smith 00:19:18
Play32 2-10 Boat-Building. Second Crop of Corn. Mark F. Smith 00:19:20
Play33 2-11 Winter. Felling Wood. The Mill. Mark F. Smith 00:24:13
Play34 2-12 The Rigging of the Vessel Mark F. Smith 00:27:40
Play35 2-13 Departure Decided Upon. Conjectures. Mark F. Smith 00:20:34
Play36 2-14 The Inventory. Night. A Few Letters. Mark F. Smith 00:23:06
Play37 2-15 The Return. Discussion. Mark F. Smith 00:18:40
Play38 2-16 A Mystery to be Cleared Up. Mark F. Smith 00:25:33
Play39 2-17 Still Alone. The Stranger's Request. Mark F. Smith 00:25:15
Play40 2-18 Conversation. Cyrus Harding and Gideon Spilett. Mark F. Smith 00:22:50
Play41 2-19 Recollections of Their Native Land Mark F. Smith 00:20:30
Play42 2-20 A Night at Sea. Shark Gulf. Confidences. Mark F. Smith 00:23:40
Play43 3-01 Lost or Saved? Ayrton Summoned. Mark F. Smith 00:24:25
Play44 3-02 Discussions. Presentiments. Mark F. Smith 00:22:04
Play45 3-03 The Mist Rises. The Engineer's Preparations. Mark F. Smith 00:26:01
Play46 3-04 The Colonists on the Beach. Mark F. Smith 00:24:17
Play47 3-05 The Engineer's Declaration. Mark F. Smith 00:19:50
Play48 3-06 Expeditions Planned. Ayrton at the Corral. Mark F. Smith 00:21:13
Play49 3-07 The Reporter and Pencroft in the Corral Mark F. Smith 00:18:15
Play50 3-08 The Convicts in the Neighborhood of the Corral Mark F. Smith 00:10:13
Play51 3-09 No news of Neb. A Proposal. Mark F. Smith 00:20:20
Play52 3-10 Herbert Carried to Granite House Mark F. Smith 00:17:23
Play53 3-11 Inexplicable Mystery. Herbert's Convalescence. Mark F. Smith 00:20:56
Play54 3-12 Exploration on the Serpentine Peninsula. Mark F. Smith 00:20:45
Play55 3-13 Ayrton's Story. A Subterranean Volcano. Mark F. Smith 00:24:37
Play56 3-14 Three Years Have Passed. The New Vessel. Mark F. Smith 00:22:25
Play57 3-15 The Awakening of the Volcano. The Fine Season. Mark F. Smith 00:27:17
Play58 3-16 Captain Nemo. His First Words. Mark F. Smith 00:22:28
Play59 3-17 Last Moments of Captain Nemo Mark F. Smith 00:19:34
Play60 3-18 Reflections of the Colonists Mark F. Smith 00:31:01
Play61 3-19 Cyrus Harding's Account of His Exploration Mark F. Smith 00:27:50
Play62 3-20 An Isolated Rock in the Pacific Mark F. Smith 00:12:35
